Containers for Change

As you will be aware, Dianella Primary College is participating in the containers for change program. As a school we have successfully prevented well over 7 000- containers going into landfill, this is an amazing effort. This term each class was challenged to recycle the most amount of containers, with the class recycling the most containers receiving the money to spend on a class excursion or reward. Congratulations to Mrs Parry’s room 5 class who returned an amazing 1450 containers of our 7100 total. The students in room 5 will now be able to persuade Mrs Parry as to how they would like to spend the money.

As an ongoing incentive to continue recycling, we are restarting the competition to enable a second class to win. Each class will continue to collect containers, tally the results and add them to our display board. I do encourage all families to get behind this scheme, not only is it a great way to raise funds for the school, but we are having a massive positive environmental impact from not sending all of these containers to landfill.

In 2021 the year 6 students will be using the containers for change program as a way to fund raise for their school camp and to develop their sustainability understanding.

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