DSC Specialist Soccer Program

Dianella Secondary College will be providing opportunities for Year 7 students with a keen interest in soccer to apply for their new Specialist Soccer Program.

The Specialist Soccer Program at Dianella Secondary College welcomes children with a passion for soccer. We aim to develop both players and people, expanding their skills and knowledge in a friendly and welcoming environment. Participating students will work on their individual skills and techniques, team based strategies and tactics while also focusing on their personal and social skills, developing confident and respectful young leaders.

The Lower School program is open to both boys and girls of all skill levels, from which the most enthusiastic and hardworking students are selected for the Year 7 program and beyond. The overall aim of the program is for students to learn about the world’s most popular game, while creating healthy habits for life, in a fun, enjoyable team based atmosphere. The program continues into Upper School where the course provides further opportunities to develop as players and become accredited coaches and referees.

For more information or to apply, please visit http://www.dsc.wa.edu.au/specialist-soccer.html and fill out an application form, and attend a trial on the 9th or 22nd September, 3.20 pm on the school oval for a 3.30 pm start.

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