Week 7 Update

PP Assembly

Wow - what an amazing assembly we had last week that was run by our very creative PP1 class. The students did a fantastic job, retelling the book they have been studying in class, The Gruffalo.  The students spoke very confidently and were certainly not shy in the least. Well done Mrs Corney and the Pre-Primaries for such an entertaining assembly. Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who were also recognised on the day. See full list of students below. 

Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl

In second semester each year we hold elections for additional students to join our school leadership team as additional deputy head boy and deputy head girl. This is an opportunity for students who have either just joined the school or who have been in our IEC program and may not have had the language or confidence to nominate in Term 1. Congratulations to Eman and Munt who have been elected to these positions. Well done to all of those students who tried out for the role. 

Book Week Parade

Last Thursday we held our annual Book Week Parade, with lots of students and teachers getting very creative with their costumes. Thank you to all of those students and teachers who went to the effort to dress up and make it such an outstanding success. Some of our best dressed students (and staff) can be seen in the photos below.

Book Week Dress UpGo to this Sway

Faction Carnival

On Friday 26 August we held of annual Faction Carnival and it was an outstanding success. Ms Farmer and her team of helpers did an amazing job coordinating and running the event. Throughout the day students participated in individual running events, team games and a variety of novelty (fun events). Congratulations to all of our students who participated on the  day and a huge congratulations to Ruby who where awarded the faction trophy. Students who achieved individual success on the day, will now be invited to represent Dianella Primary College at the upcoming interschool athletics carnival. This will be held at Dianella Primary in week 9, further details and competitors will be notified closer to the date.  On the day students also competed for individual age group awards with students awarded individual points for age races, long jump and distance throwing events.

Congratulations to the following students:

Year 1 Champion Boy: Oliver   Year 1 Runner Up Champion Boy: Siraj

Year 1 Champion Girl:  Olive  Year 1 Runner Up Champion Girl: Sebontu

Year 2 Champion Boy:   Jayson     Year 2 Runner Up Champion Boy: Joshua

Year 2 Champion Girl:   Ah Moo Na Year 2 Runner Up Champion Girl: Kristie, Maryam, Rawa (tied) 

Year 3 Champion Boy:   Emanuel Year 3 Runner Up Champion Boy: Oscar

Year 3 Champion Girl:    Biftu  Year 3 Runner Up Champion Girl: Laura, Samara, Ka Yarn (tied)

Year 4 Champion Boy:   Jude Year 4 Runner Up Champion Boy: Talha

Year 4 Champion Girl:   Angelina Year 4 Runner Up Champion Girl:  P'Leh

Year 5 Champion Boy:   Maleke  Year 5 Runner Up Champion Boy: Tyreece

Year 5 Champion Girl:   Ariana Year 5 Runner Up Champion Girl:  Cassie, Tahlia (tied) 

Year 6 Champion Boy:   Aung  Year 6 Runner Up Champion Boy: Deanver

Year 6 Champion Girl:   Anastasia Year 6 Runner Up Champion Girl: Ka Mun 

Click on the link below to see more photos from the day. Dianella Primary College Faction CarnivalGo to this Sway

Fathers Day Raffle

Reminder that our P&C Committee are holding a Fathers Day Raffle - tickets have been sent home and can be returned to the front office. The raffle will be drawn this Friday, 2nd Sep with winners notified before the end of the school day, make sure you have your tickets in by then. 

Book Week Dress UpGo to this Sway

Secondary College Showcase

Do you know of all the programs that are on offer at Dianella Secondary College? DSC will be holding a Showcase Evening on Thursday 8th September, from 3.30pm - 6.30pm, for prospective students/families and for students who have enrolled for 2022 to come along and have a tour of the College, as well as find out a little bit more  about the specialist programs on offer. Please see flier attached for further details. This is a great opportunity for parents to see what opportunities there are for their child in secondary school and I encourage all parents of senior students, Years 4 and above to attend. 

Free RAT Tests

The school still has a large number of RAT tests that are available for families. Please see the ladies in the front office if you would like some. 

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