Kiss and Drive
Have you noticed the new Kiss and Drive is now fully implemented at the top of Laythorn Street?
Students from the Primary School who do not need supervision to and from the classroom are encouraged to use this facility to help alleviate our parking issues at the end of the day. It would be great to see more of our families using this facility and I encourage parents to do so.
I would also like to remind parents about responsible and respectful pick up at the end of each school day.
double parking is illegal and dangerous, please do not park behind cars that are waiting in the parking bays, this just creates a traffic jam further along the road. If you need to, drive around the block.
parking on the grassed corner of Laythorn Street and Weewack Court creates both a visibility problem and is dangerous for parents and students.
tooting of horns to gain students attention is annoying, we have had numerous complaints from neighbors - please either wait patiently or walk in.
consider arriving a short time after the bell, students are not ready to be picked up at 3pm - if you wait until 3.10 or 3.15 there is usually a large amount of car spaces available.
consider parking on Cobham Ave or Osborne Rd, the weather is fine and the short walk is great incidental exercise.
leave the car at home, if you can walk or cycle to school please do so. Reducing reliance on vehicles will not only cut greenhouse emissions, it will also save you money on petrol.
With some minor changes to parents behaviours around pick up we can create a much safer and stress free pick up.
Thank you for your ongoing support of this issue and consideration of changes that you can make to help out.
Kind Regards