Monday 8 June

Dear Parents and Carers

As you will be aware the state government is relaxing Covid 19 restrictions from tomorrow and this will have an impact on schools.

From Monday 8 June, parents will be allowed back on school site to take students to class and to pick them up. However, as a community we are still required to socially distance and if we have all parents waiting in the same enclosed areas at the end of the day, we will not be able to achieve this. We will be asking parents to collect students from the designated areas on the map below. Older siblings will be able to wait in these areas as well.

Kindergarten students will be dismissed by teachers out onto the oval, parents to wait on the oval.

Pre Primary 1 (Mrs Gurner’s & Mrs Johnston’s class) will be dismissed out into the PP playground.

Pre Primary 2 (Ms Lopez’s class) will be dismissed out onto the grassed area in front of the hall.

All other parents waiting (years 1-6) please ensure you are following social distancing rules. Depending on the number of parents you may need to wait on the basketball courts or the paved areas.

All students will now be dismissed at 3 pm. (2.30 pm on Thursdays)

Each morning you are welcome to take your child to their classroom. However, one of the benefits that we have seen over the last few weeks is the independence and responsibility that students have developed. They are capable of performing their morning routines and recently we have found that students are more settled in the morning and ready to learn. I would encourage all parents to take this into consideration, if your child is old enough, wave goodbye to them at the gate. Getting themselves ready for the day is a part of learning and students have done this extremely well over the past few weeks.

If you do come into the class of a morning, this is a time to complete an activity with your child, not to complete daily activities for them or to talk to the teacher. Teachers are getting ready for the day and students have developed their independence.

I would also like to remind parents of class times, students have been arriving late and this is something that parents need to address.

Each day the school day starts at 8.40. Classrooms are open from 8.25 (Thursday starts at 8.55, classroom opens at 8.40) and it is essential that students are in class and ready by this time each day. Students continually turning up late not only miss out on essential learning time, but also interrupt the lesson that has started.

Student pick up and parking at the end of the day continues to be a problem. Dianella Education Support Centre has set up a Kiss and Drive and this will continue to be supervised and used. Parents that can use this facility should do so, again it is an opportunity for students to develop independence. As an incentive, any student using the Kiss and Drive will be given faction points.

Parents are not allowed to drive into either the Primary School or Education Support Centre staff car parks.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the school in these essential health and safety matters.

Kind Regards


Copy of Student Pick Up and Drop Off Term 2 (2).png
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