Yesterday, Dianella Primary College along with the Secondary College and the Education Support Centre celebrated NAIDOC week.. Across the precinct, students participated in a whole school assembly, where they were treated with a welcome to country by ….before being entertained by students from across the precinct who performed traditional dances, able supported by Mr Boundry on the didgeridoo, sang and also played their own didgeridoos.

After the assembly students then participated in various cultural activities, based around Indigenous history, dreamtime stories and bush tools, played traditional Aboriginal games, and learnt about how Indigenous Australians connected to and cared for the land. Finally, all students had the opportunity to taste some traditional Aboriginal food, kangaroo (Yonga), which was very mooditj!

Our year 6 students then traveled to the Octagon Theatre at UWA, where they performed in the Deadly Arts concert performing We Are Australian in English and Noongar, accompanied by the boys playing the didgeridoo.

Overall it was a fantastic day of celebrating Aboriginal culture and history. Thanks to Dianella Education Support Centre for organising and particularly Zoe and Jayden for their coordination.

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