P&C Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to the 2021 school year. Here at Dianella PC we have an active Parents and Citizens Committee who are always looking for new members and ideas. As you may be aware the P&C is currently subsidising the Dance to you Drop program for the junior students and we have a number of upcoming activities and events planned for Term 1.

Family Movie Night - Friday 26th March 2021 The Croods 2:- A New Age
Stay tuned for more information about this exciting event - a first for our school. The oval will be transformed into an outdoor cinema and we have confirmed THE CROODS 2: A NEW AGE.
Special thanks to the City of Stirling for awarding us a Community Grant for this event.

Our first meeting will be this coming Monday 22nd February at 9am in the Hive (room at the back of the hall).
Please note the current committee will be continuing through this first term until the AGM. We welcome anyone who is interested to come and listen to what we have planned for the year.

AGM will be held on Tuesday 20th April at 9am in the Hall.
An agenda (list of discussion points) will be posted closer to the date but if any parent or community member would like the opportunity to address the committee or raise a discussion point please don't hesitate to send an email before the meeting - address below.

Subscribe to Email
Thank you to those who have subscribed to our email list to receive information like this via email instead of on paper. You can subscribe at any time by visiting the school website page: https://www.dianellapc.wa.edu.au/pandccommitee

Thank you for ongoing support

Dianella Primary College P&C Committee

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