School Expo

Dianella Primary College senior students have recently participated in our annual School Expo day, with this year’s theme based on STEAM activities. Throughout the day the students were put into collaborative groups, with leaders from the Wish Group responsible for getting the group to each of the activities on time.

During the day students; created memento patches that will be used to make cushions for the library, learnt about the dangers of smoking, before creating Instagram posts to promote their healthy message, participated in dance and drama before performing on stage, developed their technology understanding through Makey Makey, where students ‘gamed’ in very unconventional methods, learnt the importance of team work, and giving clear and precise instructions whilst blindfolded, developed their understanding of Aboriginal history and culture, used up some energy on the ever popular Gym Bus and learnt how to make ice-cream using liquid nitrogen, which was very, very cool (about minus 200 degrees cool)!

The day was an outstanding success, with students developing their creativity and STEAM understanding. Thanks to our specialist teachers, Ms Mitchell, Mr Hill, Mr Fonseca, Ms Farmer, Mrs Davey, Mr Boundry and Mrs Gullick for making the day such an outstanding success.

steam day.PNG
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