Swimming Lessons

It is hard to believe, but our two weeks of swimming lessons comes to an end tomorrow. Over the two weeks we have experienced the extremes of WA weather, with unseasonably warm days mixed with cold and wet days. Overall, it has been a wonderful opportunity for our students to develop and consolidate their swimming skills and all of the swimming teachers have commented on how well behaved our students have been and how much they have improved. I am sure we will be receiving lots of certificates tomorrow!

I would encourage parents to now make the most of these lessons. The best way for students to consolidate their learning and to continue building their confidence in the water is to keep practicing. Often we find that students do not regularly swim after these lessons and then show minimal improvement at the next in-school swimming lessons. Make the most of the upcoming warm weather to head to the beach or to one of our local pools, the students would love to show off their skills.

Anthony Middleton