Time Capsule

As you would be aware, on Friday we dug our up or 20 year time capsule. Back in 2000, Darren dug a great big hole and buried 3 canisters of memories from our staff, students and parents. Friday afternoon turned into a great opportunity for a reunion and quite a few smiles and fond memories shared. Very opportunistic timing, with one of our former students getting married over the weekend, she had written 20 years ago what she hoped her future husband would be like. Hopefully, he matched her 12 year old expectations.

If you had buried something back in 2000, it is available for collection form the school office.

As a memento (or farewell) to 2020, we will be repeating the process of burying a time capsule. Students, staff and families are asked to submit items for the time capsule by Wednesday 16 Dec. Students will be writing or drawing in class. However, if any parents would like to add a memento for their child in 20 years time, please collect an envelope from the front office.

I have asked Darren to come back in 2040 and dig this time capsule up for us as well.

Kind regards


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