Week 3 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Our second week of school has certainly been busy and it is great to see all of our new (particularly younger students) settling into the routines of school. Teachers have been working hard getting to know their students and setting up groups for targeted learning. Over the next week or so you will either receive a class communication letter from your child’s teacher or an invitation to a class meetings. These are designed to give parents an understanding of the class set up and routines, homework tasks and the weekly timetable of the room. Please keep an eye out for these letters or invitations in your child’s school bag over the next week.

As we did in 2020, Dianella Primary College will be continuing to participate in the Containers for Change program. Each class will be keeping a tally of how many eligible containers they collect, with the winning class receiving a reward at the end of term. The majority of the funds collected from the program will be going towards the year 6 camp and we do encourage as many families as possible, support our fundraising efforts. Soft drink cans & bottles, juice boxes, flavoured milk containers and water bottles can be all sent to the classroom. We do ask that any beer bottles or cans are placed by parents directly into the Containers for Change bins beside the bike racks. Students can keep a record of this and let their classroom teachers know how many containers they returned.

Mrs Davey has started her extra music activities, with the choir practicing in the school hall on Thursday mornings before school (8.15- 8.45am) and our selected students have started participating in the School of Instrumental Music guitar program. If your child is in Yr 3 or above and enjoys singing please encourage them to come along and join the choir.

As a part of our Physical Education program students in the middle and upper IEC classes have been participating in additional swimming lessons with the Royal Surf Life Saving Association. The students in the IEC have been utilising the Secondary College pool and have thoroughly enjoyed developing their swimming skills further.

Our students in PP-3 are continuing to participate in the Dance till You Drop program and are all working hard learning their dance routine. Thank you to those parents who have already paid the $15 towards the program, if you haven’t paid already please do so as soon as possible. Students will be presenting their dance performance at our upcoming school open night on Tuesday 30 March. Please put this date into your diary.

Our school P&C Committee have been busy organising activities and have organised a school movie on the oval night for Friday 26 March. This ticketed event, only for Dianella Primary College families will see The Croods 2 shown on the school oval. This will be a great opportunity for a fun family night out. Further details on how tickets can be collected will be available soon. Please also mark this in your diary.

The P&C will be holding their first meeting this coming Monday, 22nd February from 9am in The Hive, back of the school hall. Please come along and hear how they are helping our school community and how you could join in and help.

Our 2021 updated school handbook is now available on our school website. Please refer to the handbook for all general school information. https://www.dianellapc.wa.edu.au/policies-and-documents

Kind regards

Anthony Middleton

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