Week 7 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Although we have had several challenging weeks with numerous cases of Covid throughout the school, resulting in classes, families and teachers needing to isolate, we have still continued to operate as close to normal as possible.

I would like to remind all families, that unless your child has tested positive for Covid and is completing the seven days of isolation or they have a family member who has tested positive for Covid, students are required to attend school. We are seeing a large number of students not attending and this is a concern as they are missing out on essential schooling. If your child is isolating and we have been notified, classroom teachers will provide options for learning from home. We will be sending out information later on today giving further details and reminders about this.


Today we held our third online Assembly, where we recognised our students who have been displaying our school values. Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who are listed below.

Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to our Aussie of the Month - Ben. Ben was nominated by Ms Farmer for his continuous displaying of our school value of responsibility. Ben can always be relied upon to return sports equipment that he finds left around the school. Great work Ben, I wish all of our students returned equipment and that you didn’t need to do this!

Harmony Week

This week at school we are celebrating Harmony Week. Harmony week is an opportunity to celebrate WA’s diverse heritage and to celebrate all of the cultures that are reflected in our community. This week students will have various opportunities to participate in different activities from around the world. I was very fortunate today to sample the delicious Asian Fried Rice that Room 21 produced, very tasty! Make sure you check with your child to see what Harmony Activity they have participated in.

Harmony Week Traditional/National Dress Day

As a special activity, on Friday the 18th March 2022, we are encouraging all of our students to come to school wearing their traditional dress. Our multi-cultural students and families at DPC are very proud of their culture and heritage, and it is always a pleasure to see them inspired by their family traditions. For those students who do not have traditional dress, they can wear something orange on the day. An orange T-shirt, socks or hair ribbons are some examples of ways to help us celebrate Harmony in our school. Looking forward to seeing all of our students in their Traditional Dress.


Our Aboriginal mural representing our classroom totems is certainly starting to look impressive. This week we have watched the Yerderap come to life. The students from Room 2 are certainly showing their artistic skills under Mr Rubeuns expert tutoring. Mudij Room 2!

Noongar Word of the Week

Each week our school AIEO, Aboriginal Islander Education Officer, Mr Rubeun, will be working with the students to introduce a Noongar word of the week. This weeks word is Boorda, which means goodbye and can be used as a formal greeting when saying goodbye to someone.

Dance Till You Drop

Unfortunately, due to current Covid restrictions we will not be able to hold our usual Open Night and Dance Till You Drop performance ion Week 10. Students are still participating in the program and will be performing their dance routine at school. As a school we are looking into our options to share the performance with our families and I will keep you updated on what this will look like. We are still waiting on a number of families to finalise payment for this program and do ask that parents can complete payment as soon as possible. The cost of the program is $15 per student and can be paid in cash through our payment letter box or through EFT BSB: 016464 ACC: 340826538

Parent Satisfaction Survey

Thank you to those families that have taken the time to complete our school satisfaction survey. At this stage we have only had 20 families complete the survey and we would certainly appreciate a greater response. If you haven't already done so, please follow the link below to let us know how we are going as a school, what we are doing well and how we could improve. We certainly value parental input and look forward to reading your responses.

Dianella Primary College 2022 Parent Survey - School Survey

2022 Online Permission and Policy Form

Thank you to those families who have completed the online Permission and Policy Form, link below for families still needing to complete this. To enable ongoing access to technology in classes, parents need to provide permission for each student. Please ensure this is completed as soon as possible. Hard copies of the form are available in the front office.

2022 Dianella Primary College Online Permission and Policy Form (office.com)


Mr Middleton

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