Week 8 Update

National Ride 2 School Day

It was fantastic to see so many students riding, scooting and walking to school today as part of the National Ride 2 School Day. All students that made the effort to not travel by car today were rewarded with an icy pole at recess time. Whilst it was fantastic to have such a large number of students not coming to school by car today, it would be even better if this happened on a more regular basis.  Students that can walk, ride or school should be encouraged to do so. It is a fantastic way to get incidental exercise and to also reduce the number of cars on the road. For families that can, I would encourage you to look into different options to travel to and from school. 


Year 2 Assembly

Well done to our Yr 2 students from Rooms 9 and 10 who conducted this week's assembly. The students did an amazing job entertaining the large audience and confidently delivering their message about resilience, being kind and empathetic to others. Well done. Congratulations to all of our honour certificate winners, see full list of names below. 


Autism Awareness Day

Next Friday, 31 March we are encouraging all students and staff to dress up in bright colours to show our understanding and acceptance of people and families living with autism. Sunday 2 April is World Autism Day, which is an annual celebration of autistic people to raise awareness of developmental disorders and neurodivergence. We are asking all students that dress up, to bring in a gold coin donation that will be donated to Autism WA. Looking forward to seeing as many students and staff as possible in their bright clothing to support this very worthwhile initiative. 


P&C Easter Raffle 

Final call out for any Easter themed donations for our upcoming Parents and Citizens Easter raffle. We are asking as many families as possible to provide a donation that will be placed in one of our Easter hampers that will be raffled off to some lucky families. We would appreciate all donations to be provided by Monday 27 March so that the hampers can be organised. Raffle tickets and money can be sent in at any time, with the raffle being drawn on Thursday 6th April. 


Kindy/Pre-Primary/Year 1 Sundowner

Next Thursday, 30 March the P&C Committee will be holding a Kindy, Pre-Primary, Year 1 Sundowner straight after school in the Kindy Play area. All families of students in these year levels are invited to come along and join in a picnic and meet their child's classmates' families in a relaxed atmosphere. The P&C will be providing a sausage sizzle, along with face painting activities. It would be great to see as many families as possible coming along, as this is a great opportunities to meet other parents in the school community. 

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