Welcome back

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to all of students who returned for the start of Term 2. Although the start of the day was a little different to normal, it was great to see so many of our students returning. As I have previously stated, we have put in place several safety measures and I would like to thank all parents and students for supporting us in keeping everyone safe. As you can see from our photo, thanks to Mrs Gullick we have seen some real STEM problem solving in action. Creating temporary hand washing stations for our students has been a great success.

I would like to remind all parents that students are to be collected from the designated areas and we ask that parents do not enter the school grounds at the end of the day. Students from K-Yr 1 can be collected at 2:50pm today and all other students will be dismissed at 3pm and can be picked up from the lunch area at the front of the school.

Students in K- Yr1 who cannot be picked up at 2.50pm will be supervised at the front of the school until collected.

Kind Regards


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