Welcome Back

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As you would be aware, we are welcoming students back to school as of Monday 8 February. There will be some restrictions in place at least for the first week and we do ask that parents follow directives that we have received form the State Government and the Education Department.

As a school we will be adhering to the following rules:

  • all staff, both teaching and non-teaching will be wearing a mask unless directly teaching the whole class.

  • all adult visitors (including high school students dropping off younger siblings) to the school site will be required to wear a mask.

  • as per Education Department policy, parents are not required to sign into the school with the Safe WA app (all non-parent visitors, for example delivery drivers or workmen will sign in to the front office).

  • students are not required to wear a mask (parents may have their own children wear a mask, however this is not mandated and is a personal choice).

  • to adhere to social distancing requirements we ask that only 1 parent or caregiver enters the school grounds with their child/ren.

  • parents/caregivers of students in Year’s 1 - 6 not to enter the classrooms, teachers will be at the front of each classroom directing students.

  • parents/caregivers of students in Kindergarten or Pre Primary are permitted to enter the classroom, with no more than 5 parents in the room at any time. Pre Primary parents will be able to enter the rooms from the playground and then exit out onto the veranda. Kindergarten parents will enter from the school oval and then exit from the back of the classroom. Please see map below or from the home page of our school website.

  • when collecting students at the end of the day, Kindergarten parents to wait on the school oval, pre primary parents to collect students from the pre -primary playground area, Year 1 & 2 parents from the basketball court out the front of Rms 9 - 12 and all other students to be collected from the front of the school.

  • if an older secondary school sibling is dropping off or picking up primary school siblings they are required to wear a mask on the school site. We do ask parents to ensure that older students do follow this directive.

  • as a school we will be adhering to good personal hygiene practices. Students will be required to wash hands before entering the classroom at the start of each day and after recess and lunch times. The school will continue to be cleaned throughout the day as per last years Covid cleaning practices.

Although students will have seen people wearing masks over the past week, I understand that it may be confronting or cause anxiety for our younger students to see their teacher wearing a mask in class. Please have this conversation with your child prior to the start of school as to why we are wearing masks and that it is to keep everyone safe and will hopefully only be for a short time.

Class lists will be on display around the school for parents to see what room their child/ren are in. We do ask that students do not arrive at school before 8am - students arriving between 8am -8.25am will be supervised on the basketball court.

As per normal, school attendance is now mandatory for all students and unless sick, all students from PP - 6 are expected to attend school each day. If your child does have any cold or flue like symptoms (runny nose, coughs or high temperatures) we do ask that you keep them at home until they have fully recovered. If you are keeping your child at home due to illness, please notify the school office on 9263 5100 or sms the school on 0437 418 711.

Due to ongoing work at the Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre there is going to be an increase on demand for parking in Laythorne Street. All school buses will be dropping students in Laythorne Street at the bus bay and there is no parent access to parking in either of the school parking areas. I would encourage all parents and students who are able to, walk or cycle to school, or look for parking on Cobham, Avenue or Osborne Rd.

If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to contact me through the school office.

As a school we are very much looking forward to welcoming back all of our old students and meeting our new students and families. Unfortunately, this is not a normal start to the school and there will be some impact on both parents, students and staff. I do ask that all families support us in our endeavours to follow the rules and to keep everyone safe and I thank everyone for their cooperation in this.

Yours sincerely

Anthony Middleton

Student Pick Up and Drop Off 2021.png
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