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Wow, what a start to the school year we have had!

With Covid 19 restrictions impacting on our normal school routines we have certainly had a different start to the 2021 school year. However, I am very pleased to say that our students, parents and teachers have all taken the changes in their stride. Our new students have settled in beautifully and there has only been a few tears from the parents when they have left their students in Kindergarten for the first time, well done parents! We have welcomed a number of new students throughout the school across different year levels, and I have been very pleased with all of our students who have made our new students feel welcome. Thank you.

Today we started the first of our dance sessions for our PP - Year 3 students and it was very clear from the smiles on all of the students faces that they thoroughly enjoyed the program. I look forward to seeing our students progress over the coming weeks with their dance moves before seeing the school performance on Tuesday 30 March.

On a staffing note, we have been required to make some changes due to Mrs Hill suffering a fall over the holidays, resulting in her breaking both of her ankles. Mrs Hill is now recovering at home and we expect to see her back later on in the term. In her absence, Mrs Gullick has stepped into the deputy principal role, with Mrs Clark taking on the science classes. Thank you Mrs Gullick for taking on this role and we welcome Mrs Clark to the school. As a school we wish Mrs Hill all the best for speedy recovery.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton

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