Covid 19 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

As you would be aware, we have had one confirmed Covid 19 case in our PP1 class, all students from that class and teachers who were deemed close contacts by the Health Department are at home isolating. At this stage, we have had no further confirmed cases.

In the event that we do have another case, I would like to inform all families of the process on how we will notify the school community.

Firstly, if your child receives a positive PCR test, we ask that you contact the school on 08 9263 5100 and ask to speak directly with me. If this happens after hours, please email both myself and the school and or text or call the school mobile 0477 300 401.

We will then communicate this to the Department of Health.  While we cannot act until the Health Department gives us confirmation, your early notification will enable us to prepare communications ready to send.

When the Department of Health informs us of a positive PCR test case we will take the following actions:    

•           The school will notify the school community. This information will come via SMS, phone call, email and our Connect platform, or a combination of these.

•           Every case is different, and the Department of Health will inform us how we are to respond to a given outbreak. The messages we send will clearly state the measures the Health Department deems appropriate. It is unlikely we will experience a whole school shutdown.

•           You may be contacted by the Department of Health prior to the school notifying you if you are identified as a close contact. The Department of Health will do this to confirm close contacts so the school can take appropriate measures and give appropriate communications. This process can take time.

•           If your child is a close contact of a COVID-19 positive person, as determined by the Department of Health, and is isolating for 7 days, please follow the above process in notifying the school. We will provide work for any student required to isolate. Please note parents choosing to keep children at home who are not required to isolate will not be provided with work packages.

Please understand that we cannot act on a positive RAT. A PCR test must be carried out after a positive RAT.

Thanks to our community for your continued support. We will keep you informed of new information as it becomes available as government and health information are changing frequently.

To support the school in staying safe, please remind your child to regularly wash their hands and parents may choose for their child to wear a face mask whilst indoors at school.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any questions.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton


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