Week 4 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

It has certainly turned out to be a different week, with the school unfortunately experiencing our first confirmed case of Covid. I would like to thank and acknowledge all of our Pre Primary 1 students and families, along with our teachers from this classroom for their efforts this week. I know that it is not easy isolating and with young children this would add to the challenges. Thank you for helping to keep everyone safe.

As this is a learning curve for us all, we are experiencing some unknowns with who is isolating and for how long. As a school we are following directions from the Education Department, who are following directions from the Health Department. Anyone who is informed by the Health Department that they are a close contact is required to isolate for 7 days. If you suspect you have come into contact with a confirmed case or are displaying symptoms, you are asked to get a test, either a RAT or a PCR test. Once you have received a negative test result, you are able to return to school. Household members of a confirmed case are required to isolate, household members of close contacts, are not required to isolate if they can adequately socially distance at home and avoid direct contact with a close contact. If you are unsure of what to do, the best advice is to contact the Health Department.


This week we held our second whole school assembly, again remotely via the PA and classroom interactive whiteboards. Congratulations to our Honour Certificate winners who have been recognised for their consistent display of our school values. Please see the full list below.

Noongar Word of the Week

Each week our school AIEO, Aboriginal Islander Education Officer, will be working with the students to introduce a Noongar word of the week. This weeks word is Kaya, which means hello and can be used as a formal greeting when meeting someone. Kaya Rubeun, we certainly look forward to having you working with our classes.

Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to Charlotte, Yr 4, who has been nominated by Mrs Ryan for the Aussie of the Month award. Charlotte demonstrated not only our school value of responsibility when caring for a sick friend at school, but also demonstrated great empathy and compassion. She also offered her assistance to clean up, which although appreciated, was not required. Well done Charlotte.

Parent Satisfaction Survey

Thank you to those families that have taken the time to complete our school satisfaction survey. If you haven't already done so, please follow the link below to let us know how we are going as a school, what we are doing well and how we could improve. We certainly value parental input and look forward to reading your responses.

Dianella Primary College 2022 Parent Survey - School Survey

2022 Online Permission and Policy Form

Thank you to those families who have completed the online Permission and Policy Form. To enable ongoing access to technology in classes, parents need to provide permission for each student. Please ensure this is completed as soon as possible. Hard copies of the form are available in the front office.

2022 Dianella Primary College Online Permission and Policy Form (office.com)


You may have noticed that we have started to paint the walls outside of Room 1 & 2. This is the start of our new Mural project, that our AIEO, Mr Rubeun is undertaking with each of the classes. The students have each created a concept drawing based on their class totem (Noongar animal of their room), Rebeun has then created one design incorporating the student ideas for that will go on the wall in front of each room. This is very exciting, as Rebeun is a very talented artist and he has created some amazing works around Perth. It will be exciting to see how the Mural develops as it spreads from Room 1 all the way down to Room 6.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton


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