Confirmed Covid 19 Case Room 16

Dear Parents and Carers


On advice from WA Health, I am providing the following information. There has been a positive case of COVID-19 at Dianella Primary College.


They attended Room 16 on Thursday 24 February while infectious.

We have notified all close contacts and they are now isolating. All students and staff who were in Room 16 at the same time as the case, are deemed a close contact by WA Health and should get tested immediately and quarantine for 7 days from exposure.

Students and staff from Room 16 may return to school on Friday 4 March.

The following key dates apply for all students and staff who were in this class:

Date of final PCR test: Wednesday 2 March or RAT test Thursday 3 March.

End of quarantine date and time: Thursday 3 March, 5pm.

These students and staff can return to school on Friday 4 March provided they have not developed any symptoms and have returned either a negative PCR on day 6 or RAT on or after day 7. If students or staff are unwell, they should stay home until symptoms clear.

COVID-19 PCR tests can be accessed at a COVID Clinic. A list of clinics can be found here:

A close contact information sheet from WA Health is attached to this communication.

Advice for all families and staff: 

·         The school remains open.

·         If your child was not in Room 16 at the same time as the case, your child is not required to quarantine and should attend school.

·         As for everyone in Western Australia, we ask that you monitor your child/yourself for symptoms of COVID-19 and get tested and isolate until you receive a negative result, if symptoms develop.

·         If you or your child develop symptoms, please do not attend school.

·         Please note that the Omicron strain can present with less typical symptoms such as diarrhoea, particularly in children.  

If you have queries or concerns, please contact WA Health on 1300 316 555. 

Kind regards 


Anthony Middleton


Dianella Primary College

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Information for parents/guardians

Child identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 positive case

If your child has been identified as a close contact of a person who has been diagnosed with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), your child must stay home for at least 7 days from their last time/date of contact with a positive case of COVID-19, or as advised by WA Health.

This letter provides important information about COVID-19 and what you need to do.

What is COVID-19 and what are the symptoms?

COVID-19 is caused by a virus. Symptoms range from mild illness to pneumonia and may include fever, flu-like symptoms (cough, sore throat and fatigue), diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, shortness of breath and loss of smell and/or taste. Some people will recover easily while others may get sicker. Most of the symptoms of COVID-19 can be treated at home.

Does my child need to stay at home all the time?

Your child should not leave your home or accommodation unless you need to seek urgent medical attention or escape an immediate threat to their safety or your safety. Your child should not attend public places. Your child should not attend school.

If a child needs care throughout their self-quarantine period, the parent/guardian will need to quarantine with them. Families should choose one parent or guardian to quarantine with the child for the entire quarantine period. Switching parents or guardians is discouraged. If a sibling or other child cannot adequately separate from the close contact, that sibling or child should also quarantine with the parent or guardian and close contact.

Some older children may be able to quarantine independently in a separate area of the house if they do not require hands-on care.

If the child tests positive for COVID-19, a parent, guardian or sibling quarantining with the child will be at risk of developing COVID-19 and you will be required to complete an additional quarantine period as directed by WA Health.

Your child’s legal quarantine requirements are set out in the COVID Transition (Testing and Isolation) Directions, which can be found online at:

 What about people who live with me and my child?

Please see the fact sheet for information on how to manage at home and protect the people who live with you, which can be found at

What do I do if my child develops symptoms of COVID-19?

If you or your child develop symptoms at any time, you/your child should attend your nearest COVID-19 clinic for a test. PCR testing can be accessed at a COVID Clinic: Where possible a PCR test is preferred. If you are symptomatic and choose to use a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) instead and, if the initial test is negative, you will need to repeat it 24 hours later.

If you need assistance contact Public Health Operations Team on 1300 316 555, available 7 days a week between 8:00am and 7:45pm.  

When can my child leave isolation?

Your child can leave isolation after:

·         Your child returned a negative PCR or RAT on or after day 6 (PCR preferred); and

·         Your child has not developed any symptoms; and

·         7 days have passed since their last contact with a positive case of COVID-19.

If your child develops symptoms during their period of quarantine, they must have a PCR test.

Your child should not enter any high-risk settings (unless specifically authorised to do so or for emergency medical treatment) for the first 7 days after you come out of isolation. High risk settings include aged care facilities, residential care facilities, health care settings and correctional facilities.  

What if I think my child requires medical attention?

Some options for medical care should it be needed:

·         Most GPs have access to Telehealth consultations, please contact your GP to book a consultation. 

·         If your child needs urgent medical treatment at a hospital, call ahead to tell them that your child is a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19. Use a private car for transport, go by the most direct route and wear a mask.

·         On arrival at the hospital, notify staff that your child is a contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

·         If you child has severe symptoms, such as shortness of breath, call 000 and request an ambulance. Inform the call centre and ambulance officers that your child is a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19.

What if I am experiencing concerns about my child’s mental health?

You may wish to access support through the following agencies:

·         Your GP

·         Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636

·         Lifeline 13 11 14

·         Mental Health Emergency Response Line (MHERL) Metro: 1300 555 788 or Peel: 1800 676 822

What if I am experiencing financial issues?

You may be eligible to access the Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment, you can apply though Centrelink at or contact the Department of Communities on

For further information, visit


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