Graduation Evening

Last night we farewelled our 46 year 6 students at our Graduation Ceremony and also recognised some outstanding students for their hard work throughout the year. Each student presented a speech outlining their favourite memories from primary school and their aspirations for the future. It was terrific to listen to these memories and to also hear of students aspirations for the future. Thank you to our hard working year 6 teachers, Ms Vince, Mr Mansfield, Mrs Rowling and Mrs Ash for making the evening so memorable

Well done to the following students:

North East Metropolitan Excellence Award: Henry

City of Stirling Citizenship Awards: Samson and Thien

School Precinct Award: Egypy

Science Sci-Tech Award: Demka

Digital Technologies: Kimberley

HASS: Egypt

Physical Education: Jan

Music: Ngo Ngo

IEC Encouragement Award: Lyn Lyn

Mainstream Encouragement Award: Sonam and Dream

Principals Award: Nikola

Congratulations to all of our individual award winners and farewell to all of our year 6 students, best of luck in secondary school and beyond.

All individual photos of graduating students and award winners are available for parents. If you woul dlike your photo please email and ask for your child’s photograph.

Anthony Middleton

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