Presentation Assembly

Yesterday we held our presentation assembly, where we took the opportunity to acknowledge some of our hard working students for their consistent efforts throughout the year. Classroom teachers and specialist teachers recognised students for either their outstanding academic results or their general positive effort. We also farewelled 42 Intensive English Centre (IEC) students who are exiting the program at the end of the year. Some of these students will be joining our mainstream classes, whilst others will be attending schools closer to home. We know that they have had a fantastic start to learning English as a second language and they will excel at whichever school they attend next year. We also had the opportunity to hear our school school choir perform, they did a wonderful job on the gig stage of the secondary college gymnasium singing Everything is Going to be OK, very fitting for 2020, before sending the whole school out with a rousing rendition of Jingle Bells, it was great end to the day. Well done Mrs Davey for your coordination of the choir.

Congratulations to all of our individual award winners and our choir students.

On the day we took photos of each award winner (thanks Mrs Price), if you would like a copy of the photo of your child, please email the school

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton

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