Monday 18 May
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As you will be aware, unless medically advised not to, all students are required to attend school from today. The Health Department and Education Department have asked that parents/carers still do not enter school grounds and as such we will be continuing our drop off and collection points listed below.
Please note the following important information:
Students are required to attend school from tomorrow - please do not drop students at school before 8.15am
To avoid excessive social interaction, the Education Department has asked that parents do not enter the school, parents are asked to drop off students and pick up from outside the school. Please read specific drop off and pick up areas below (map on front page).
Kindergarten students to be dropped off and picked up from the start of the number line - entrance gate in Wewak Court
Pre-Primary students to be dropped off and picked up from the grassed area in front of the dental clinic. Parents to enter school through the pedestrian gate for Education Support Centre on Laythorne Street.
Year 1 students to be dropped off and picked up from the front of the school, main school entrance.
Year 2 - 6 students to enter school from either of two main front school entrances and to wait on basketball court
IEC students supervised from bus drop off and escorted through school car park.
There will be no vehicle access through Education Support Centre gate or main staff car park.
Students from Kindergarten, Pre Primary and Year 1 can be collected from drop off points at 2.50pm. Year 2 - 6 students will be dismissed at 3.00pm as per normal.
Additional safety procedures to be maintained:
Full time cleaner on site through out the day cleaning high contact areas, including limited play equipment.
Specific hand washing stations set up for each class
Students to wash hands before entering class each day and at the end of recess and lunch
Hand sanitizer provided in each classroom
Classrooms set up to support social distancing
Separate lunch areas for junior students and senior students
Drink fountains not used (students to bring their own drink bottles, can be filled throughout the day)
Parental support
Please do not enter school grounds
Provide a reusable drink bottle for each child
All contact through the front office via phone 9263 5100 or email only (the office will only be open for enrolments and uniform shop appointments, appointments times through email )
No early morning drop off of students and students to be collected promptly at the end of each day
Students that are unwell to be kept at home
Parents with more than one child are asked to collect all their children from the youngest child’s drop off area. Please ensure if different from above, you let your children know where you will be picking them up from and they are to inform their classroom teacher of this. Parents may do this via email or note.
I know that this is not ideally how we would like to run a school, where we see parents as an integral part of learning and I do apologise for all of these additional rules and changes. We are following advice from the Health & Education Department and I thank parents for supporting us in these measures.
If you have any questions or concerns pleased feel free to contact me through the school office.
Yours Sincerely,
Anthony Middleton