Week 5 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

Next week will be a very busy week at school, with our Book Week activities and Faction Carnival both taking place.

Faction Carnival

As you will be aware, our Faction Athletics Carnival will be taking place next week. Long distance runs, Jumps and Throws will take place on Wednesday 24 August and the main carnival taking place on Friday 26 August. On the carnival day, students are encouraged to wear their faction colours Parents and family members are encouraged to come along and support on both days. Junior (Years 1 - 3) long runs, jumps and throws will take place between 11-12.30pm on Wed 24 Aug and senior (Yr 4 - 6) long runs, jumps and throws will be held from 1.40pm. The main Faction Carnival will start at 9am on Friday 26 August. Looking forward to what is always a fantastic event.

P&C Cake Stall and Sausage Sizzle

The P&C Committee will be setting up a food stall on the day of the Faction Carnival and they are asking for donations that can be sold with the profits going to the P&C Fundraising efforts (we do ask that all food items are clearly labelled to avoid any food allergies). On the day there will be also a sausage sizzle available for $3. There will be no pre-orders, with students and parents being able to just purchase on the day. Please see attached flier for full details. Throughout the day the P&C would also appreciate any assistance from parents to help sell items or to cook the BBQ - if you are able to help out at all please let one of the P&C Committee members know on the day. All assistance and food donations will be greatly appreciated.

Book Week

Next week is the Children's Book Council of Australia Book Week. During the week students will have the opportunity to visit the book stall that is set up in the library, with some fantastic books and items available for purchase. The Book Fair will be open from 8.15am - 3.15pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the school library.

Book Week Parade

To celebrate Book Week, we will be again holding our Book Week Dress up parade on Thursday 25 August. Students and teachers are encouraged to dress up as their favourite book character, with some fantastic prizes on offer for the best dressed Kindy or Pre Primary student, best dressed Year 1 or 2 student, best dressed Year 3 or 4 and Year 5 and 6. We will also have a prize for best dressed staff member. Parents and family members are welcome to come along to our parade, which will take place in the undercover assembly area from 9am on the day.

Fathers Day Stall

This year students from the Dianella Secondary College Education Centre will be again holding a father's day stall for our students who would like to purchase a gift for their dad. Items will be priced from $1-$10 with students able to visit the stall on Friday 26th August in our school hall. Parents who are attending the Athletics Carnival on the day may take their child to the stall or students will also have the opportunity to visit the stall with their class.


Swimming notes for Group 1 classes have been sent home, with Rooms 12,10,14,6,3,1 and both Pre Primary classes starting swimming lessons on Monday 29 August. If you haven't returned your child's permission form, please do so as soon as possible. Group 2 swimming notes for Rooms 11,9,15,5,2,4, and all IEC classes will be sent home next week.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton

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