P&C Morning Tea
Dianella PC P&C Committee held their first parent morning tea today, with a number of parents taking the opportunity to meet with parents from the school and to share some delicious food from different cultures. Unfortunately, due to our ongoing gas issues we were unable to hold our planned cooking demonstration, however this is something that we will be hosting in the future. Make sure you keep checking our social media posts to find out about this cooking demonstration and other planned events.
Upcoming P&C events include:
P&C meeting: Thursday 20 August from 1 pm in The Hive (Old Canteen in the back of the hall)
P&C Fathers day picnic and Nature Playground Opening: Friday 28th August from 2.30 pm.
Athletics Carnival Stall: Friday 11 September
Thanks to all of the parents who came along today with food to share and also thanks to Cailey from the Westminster Child and Parent Centre for coming along and providing us with an update of their services and programs.
Dianella P&C Committee