Week 1 Update

Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable time over the school holidays and it was great to see all of our students back for the start of Term 4. I would like to remind students and parents, that as the weather is warming up, it is important that we practice both good sun and water habits. Students must wear a hat at school when outside playing or participating in outside lessons. It is important that all hats are clearly labelled. It is also essential that students stay properly hydrated throughout the day, please make sure that your child has a clearly labelled, reusable drink bottle. As usual Term 4 is very busy and we have a number of different activities taking place this term. Please make sure you continue to check in on our school web site and social media accounts to see what is happening.

Door Signs

Have you worked out what our new door signs? Over the holidays we have installed new classroom labels in Noongar, for each of our classrooms and learning areas, some of the words are quite clear and common, some of the others you will need to put on your detective hat and see if you can work it out from the footprints. Make sure you have a chat with your child about these, I’m sure they can let you know what their new classroom totem is and how they are increasing their Aboriginal Cultural understanding. Thanks Mrs Gullick and Mr Boundry for organsing these, they look fantastic.


Did you and your child complete the Connect survey? At the end of Term 3 we held a competition to encourage families to log onto and use Connect. Well done to Room 1, 2 & 21 who had 100% of their class using Connect. It is essential that all families are familiar with this platform. If Covid enters into WA and schools transition to online learning, this is how we will be engaging with students and families. If you look at the graph below, you will see that a large percentage of our families have not accessed the online platform. This is of concern and we need to increase the percentages as a matter of urgency. Classroom teachers will be continuing to regularly post information to their students and we need parents to engage with this.

If you would like support to access Connect, we are willing to offer a parent workshop to support families.

Please complete the short survey below to express your interest.


connect class percentages.png

Healthy Habits Online

As you would be aware, The Squid Games created quite a bit of interest over the holidays with a large social media presence about the program. What is concerning to me as a principal and as a parent, is the number of primary aged students who have watched this program. With a number of our students being among them. It is essential that as parents, we are monitoring what our children are accessing online or viewing. I have added below a very informative article about how to support your child to form healthy online habits, with a link to a new cyber safety app. Please take the time to read the article and consider if the app could assist you to support your child at home.

P&C Food Celebration

The P&C Food Celebration that was scheduled for Term 1 will now be happening on Thursday 4 November (in two weeks time!). On the day we are inviting all families to join us for a gastronomic feast.

The timetable for the day will be:

*By 8:40am (by school bell) -Cooking competition entries must be submitted.

*By 11:30am -All lunch and bake sale contributions in.

*12pm -Please meet your youngest child at their

classroom ready for lunch (12-1pm).

*1pm -Live cooking event begins in the undercover area

*From 1pm -Grab a treat at the bake sale (items from 50c to $15).

Full details of the event can be found by following this link. https://www.dianellapc.wa.edu.au/pc-blog/pampc-food-celebration-documents

A hard copy of the booklet, along with the competition entries will be sent home next week with your child.

Looking forward to seeing you on the day.


Today your child will be bringing home their personal In-Term Swimming notice. The cost of the 2 week swimming program is $50 per child for the 10 swimming lessons and buses to and from Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre. Lessons will be starting on Monday 8 November through to Friday 19 November. Swimming is an essential skill and is a required part of our school physical education curriculum. If required, families may enter into a payment plan to cover the cost, please contact the school office to organise this.


This term we will continue to have a focus on regular and on time attendance. For children to reach their full potential, it is essential that the attend school every day on time, unless unwell. At the start of this term, all students have their Good Standing and will be eligible to participate in our end of term reward, a giant water slide. To keep their Good Standing, students must maintain at least 90% attendance (this means missing no more than 1 day of school per fortnight) and arrive at school on time at least 90% of the time (again - less than 1 late per fortnight). Please help us to help your children thrive by ensuring they are at school every day on time.

Saver Plus

Would you like some help with school bills? Saver Plus is a FREE 10-month matched savings and financial education program funded by ANZ and the Australian Government, and delivered in WA by The Smith Family. The program aims to help participants to learn how to better manage their money and develop long-term savings habits. To be eligible

Have a current Health Care or Pensioner Concession Card AND an eligible Centrelink payment*

Be studying yourself


have a child in school (can be starting school next year)

Have regular income from work (either yourself or your partner)*

Be 18+ years old.

Please see flier below for further details.

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