Week 1 Update

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Weekly Update

Welcome back to all of our families for the 2022 school year. It has certainly been a challenging start to the year with the uncertainty that Covid has placed on us as a school and a community. Despite this, classroom teachers and students are going about their day to day lessons with the usual organisation and positive attitude. Although following Education Department guidelines, as a school we are endeavouring to keep our school routines as normal as possible. Unfortunately, there are some things that are out of our control, such as having to cancel assemblies and not being able to hold choir. If and when any changes do occur, we will notify parents.

Faction Captains

Last week we held our elections for our 2022 school Faction Captains. I would like to congratulate the following students who have been elected into the role by their peers. Ms Farmer and I look forward to working with our school faction captains. I know they will do an excellent job.


Maiza Bahar Nikki

Aung Carlos Bontu


 Dance Till You Drop

Students from PP – Yr 6 have recently started participating in the Dance Till You Drop program and by all accounts the students are having a great time. The program allows students in their class groups to learn a dance routine that will then be presented to parents and guests at our upcoming school open night. Although the routines are challenging, the students are certainly starting to show some impressive skills. Thank you to all of those parents who have returned the payment for this program, and also to the P&C for subsidising the program for all students. If you haven’t returned student payment, please ensure money is sent in as soon as possible.

Interschool Cricket

Ms Farmer is currently in the process of running trials for any boys or girls in Yr 5 or 6 who would like to join the interschool cricket team. Training is each Thursday morning starting at 8.10. This is a great opportunity for students who love their cricket (or who just want to have a go) to compete against other students from different schools. Please see Ms Farmer if you would like further details.

Drop off and Pick up

I would like to remind parents and caregivers about suitable times for drop off and pick each day. Supervision for students is provided from 8.10am each morning on the basketball court and I would ask that students do not arrive at school prior to this time. Likewise, at the end of the day, I would ask that parents collect students as close to 3pm as possible (2.30pm on Thursdays). Supervision is provided for students at the front of the school after school and if parents are running late they can be collected from there. If you are parking out the front of the school, please refrain from tooting to get student attention, the neighbours don’t need to hear this each day.


Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton


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