Week 1 Update

Dear Families

It has been a fantastic start to the first week of term and it has been lovely seeing all of our students returning eagerly. We have welcomed a number of new families to our school this year, as is always the case, I am very proud of the way our students have warmly welcomed all of our new students to our school and made them feel comfortable. 

This week we welcomed 40 new Kindergarten students, and it has been amazing seeing all of our new students this week coming for their first days of school. I'm very pleased to say there has only been a few tears form the parents, with all of the students settling in well. 


During our recent school development days, we discussed the merits of student homework. The best form of homework for all students is reading, either reading independently, reading to an adult or being read to by a parent or carer. All students should read or be read to daily. The more the better!  However, research tells us that students completing worksheets has minimal effect on improving outcomes for younger student, as students' progress through school there is increased benefits of students completing regular homework. This is particularly evident for students in secondary school. In preparation for High School, our Year 6 teachers will be assigning homework later on the year. With this in mind, I have asked teachers not to assign homework just for the sake of completing tasks. Teachers will be sending home home readers, and possibly word lists (mainly for IEC classes). Parents that would like their child to complete regular structured homework are encouraged to use any of the on-line learning platforms that we have memberships to. These include Reading Eggs and Reading Xpress, Skoolbo and Studyladder. Your child's individual log on for each of these platforms will be provided. 

Activities that develop fine motor skills such as drawing and colouring, creating arts and crafts, playing with lego or blocks, or that develop gross motor skills, such as playing sport, riding bikes, climbing, or that develop interpersonal skills such as turn taking and following of rules through the playing of board games are much more beneficial for students and are to be encouraged. Getting students to help with cooking is also a great way for students to learn new skills and to help out around the house.

Lunch times and Crunch and Sip

As you would be aware, we have made some changes to our daily school timetable. Students have recess at 10.50 and then lunch each day at 1.10. As our lunch time is now slightly later, it is essential that students have a decent recess snack and a Crunch and Sip that they can graze on if they need to throughout the day. Crunch and Sip should be fruit or vegetable that is cut up and placed in a container that can be kept on your child's desk. We are also noting that some students are eating all of their lunch at recess time and then having nothing to eat at lunchtime. I would ask that all parents make sure they provide sufficient food for both recess and lunchtime and discuss with their child which items are for when. We are happy to provide emergency lunches when required, however this should only be as a last resort. 

Class Communication 

As a school we utilise the Education Department Platform Connect to provide regular information to parents about what is happening in each classroom and across the school. Over the next couple of weeks, classroom teachers will be providing information letters and classroom timetables about your child's room. To be able to access Connect, it is essential that we have current email addresses and that parents log in when they receive the invite. If you haven't provided us with your current email address, please ensure you do so we can add you to your child's class account. Please email dianella.pc@education.wa.edu.au any updated email addresses. 

NAPLAN Testing

Earlier on this week I sent home a letter to all Year 3 and 5 parents outlining the upcoming NAPLAN testing. NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that all students in Years3,5,7 and 9 sit each year that allows parents and the school to see how students are progressing against national averages. There are four tests, consisting of; writing, reading, language conventions (spelling and grammar) and numeracy. This year the tests have been moved to Term 1 and will begin on the 15 March.

PP On Entry

Pre-primary students will also be completing required On Entry testing. The On Entry test gives parents and teachers an idea of what skills the students are bringing to school in relation to pre literacy and numeracy skills and is used as a basis for curriculum planning. A note providing further details about the On Entry test has been provided to all families of these students.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton 

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