Week 2 Update


This week we held our first whole school assembly conducted by out new school councillors. The councillors did an outstanding (and very entertaining) job running the first assembly and it is clear that all of the students elected to this role will be exceptional school leaders and positive role models for Dianella PC in 2023. Congratulations to Gaby, Sangay, Demi, Israel, Andy, Logan and Emmanuela who received their councillors badges on the day. Congratulations also to our first honour certificate winners who were recognised for displaying our school values. See the full list of students below.

Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to Ella who was nominated by Ms Vince as our first Aussie of the Month for 2023. Ella was nominated by Ms Vince for her responsibility and maturity. Well done Ella!

Books In Home

As you would be aware, Dianella Primary College and our students are very fortunate to be involved in the Books In Homes program. The program provides free books to our students, so far through the generous support of Ausenco, we have been able to provide over 5ooo books to our students. DPC was the latest featured school for the program, follow the link below to see the article.

BIHA Primary Catalogue T123 – School Story (booksinhomes.com.au)


During the week we received a visit from Jorge, who is the manager of the Nollamara IGA. Nollamara IGA has been a long time supporter of the school through sponsorships and supported food donations. This week Nollamara IGA provided the school with a cash donation that will be used by the school to purchase food items for our Breakfast Club program. Big thanks to Jorge and the Nollamara IGA for their generosity.


This week we are unfortunately saying goodbye to a number of staff who are moving into different career paths. Chantelle Burgess, who has been our Aboriginal Education Officer has said farewell as she moves into a different role with Communities. Chantelle has been a great asset to our school, providing support for not just our Indigenous families but for our whole school community ,. Chantelle has played an important role in both developing our cultural awareness and understanding and supporting our students to be proud of their culture through NASIDOC activities, school displays and regular Acknowledgments of Country. Thank you Chantelle for all of your hard work over the past 12 months and we wish you all the best in your new role.

Sadly we will also be saying farewell to Izzy Folua, our school chaplain. Izzy has been with us for the past three years in the role of chaplain and has done an amazing job providing additional pastoral care support to our school community. Izzy has helped both students and families dealing with personal issues in a caring and respectful way, and she has had a very positive influence on our school community. Due to to a recent move, Izzy is finding her long commute to and from work a challenge and she will be taking up a role closer to home. We do wish Izzy all the best in her new role and thank her for all of her efforts over the past 3 years.

Both of the ladies have had a positive influence on our school and shown how important and effective these roles are. As a school we will now look at filling these positions as a matter of priority.

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