Week 10 Update

Dear Parents and Carers

It has certainly been a busy term, with all classes and families being impacted by Covid in one way or another. I would like to thank all of our school community for the way in which they have followed Health Department guidelines, isolating when necessary, testing when required and wearing masks on school site. Thank you. I know it is not easy being required to stay at home or test students regularly. Hopefully, we see a return to a more normal school program next term.


Today we held our final school assembly for the term and recognised those students who have been consistently demonstrating our school values. Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who are listed below.

Books In Homes

We have again been lucky to be involved in the Books In Homes program, this is thanks to the generous sponsorship of Ausenco, thank you. We usually have representatives from Ausenco come to our school assembly and hand these books out, unfortunately due to Covid we were unable to do tis. All of our students in PP - Year 2 will bne bringing home 3 brand new books to enjoy over the holidays. Please make sure you take the time to read these books with your children, as we all know that regular reading develops comprehension and strong literacy skills. Thank you to Mrs Brown who organised all of the book packs for distribution.


During Term 1 we have experienced a dramatic decrease in our students regular attendance at school. This is mainly a direct result of students needing to isolate due to Covid. However, we are seeing an unreasonable amount of students not consistently attending school due to other reasons. I would like to remind all parents that unless your child is isolating due to Covid or is unwell, it is a legal requirement that they attend school. If your child has recovered from Covid, they are not required to isolate if they are a household or school close contact. All school close contacts, are also allowed to attend school if they return a negative RAT test. Regular attendance at school is essential to develop sound literacy and numeracy skills, concerns around Covid should not be used as an excuse to stay away from school.

Good Standing

This Friday we will be holding our end of term Good Standing Reward activity. Good standing is an opportunity for the school to recognise all of our students who regularly attend school on time and who consistently follow our school rules. This terms reward will be an exciting whole school Bingo game, organised by Mrs Gullick with some help from Mr Fonseca and Mr Hill. There is some great prizes available to students and I look forward to what promises to a be a great fun activity.

School Holiday Covid Notification

If any students are confirmed positive with Covid over the school holidays I would ask that you please notify the school, either via email dianella.pc@education.wa.edu.au or via text message on 0477 300 401. This will enable us to maintain our student data base of students who are potential close contacts for next term.

School Holidays

This Friday 8 April will be the last day of Term 1, with students returning to school on Wednesday 27 April.

To all of our Muslim families who are observing Ramadan at the moment I would like to wish you all Ramadan Mubarak.

To all of our families who celebrate Easter, I would like to wish you all a Happy Easter.

To all of our families, I hope that everyone has a safe, relaxing and hopefully Covid free holiday. I Look forward to seeing all of our families and students back next term.

School Development Day

Tuesday 26 April will be a school development day for all three schools, Dianella Primary College, Dianella Secondary College and Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre. This is a pupil free day across the precinct and students do not attend school. School will resume for all students on Wednesday 27 April.

Kind Regards

Anthony Middleton

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