Week 4 Update


Well done to all of our Yr 1 students who ran the assembly this week. The students presented an insect based assembly on the importance of cooperation and team work. It was amazing to see our Yr 1’s who spoke with such confidence and no scripts in front of a large audience. Well done, Yr 1’s it was very well presented. Well done to our honour certificate winners who were recognised for their ongoing display of our school values. Full list of winners is below.

Deputy Head Girl & Boy

Last week we held our Semester Two student leadership selection process. Students were required to present a short speech to their peers on why they felt they would be a suitable student leader, with all students then voting on their choice. Congratulations to our two additional deputy student leaders, Tiarna and Mohammad who have been elected to our school leadership team. Tiarna and Mohammad will now get the opportunity to develop their leadership skills throughout Second Semester and to support our school based projects. Well done to all of our prospective student leaders who nominated for the positions, you all demonstrated our school value of responsibility, by leading by example, showing pride in our school and trying something new. Well done!

STEM Expo’s

There is a definite buzz around the school and it is time to ‘bee excited”. Our two whole school STEM expo’s will be happening next week. On Tuesday 17 August, all students from K-Yr2 will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of different STEM based activities before showcasing their projects to parents in the afternoon. From 9am students will get into different groups, led by our senior students and travel around the school completing different tasks before heading to the hall at 2pm to present their projects. All families would have received an invitation for this, and we hope to see lots of visitors on the day. Parents are asked to make their way to the hall for a 2pm start to the showcase.

On Wednesday 18 August, it will be the senior students turn, with all students from Yr 3 - Yr 6 participating in the STEM activities. The senior showcase will be held in the undercover area and visitors are asked to make their way there for a 2pm start.

Looking forward to what will be two very exciting days.

School Development Day

Reminder to all of our parents that our Term 3 school development day will be held on Friday 20 August. Students do not attend school on this day.

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