Week 5 Update

STEM Expos

On Tuesday and Wednesday we held our very successful STEM Expo’s. With the junior students participating in activities on Tuesday and senior students on the Wednesday. Throughout the two days students participated in a number of different activities based around health, science and technology. Activities included; making healthy lunches, designing and building their own lunch boxes, healthy (ish) smoothies, making damper, making pom-pom launchers and the ever popular gym bus.

In the afternoons, students then presented their bee research projects to parents and their peers. We learnt how honey could be used for medicine, how to make sting proof bee suits, the importance of pollination gardens, how to make and uses for bees wax wraps, why bee hotels are important, pollination process and other interesting facts about the humble bee. Well done to all of our students for their hard work and it was great to see so many parents coming in on the day to support their child’s learning. Thank you

Individual photos taken during the expo are available on Connect.

Sports Carnival

As you would be aware our annual faction athletics carnival is fast approaching, with jumps and throws taking place on Wednesday 1 September and the main carnival taking place on Friday 3 September. We hope to see as many parents and friends on the day as possible. As it will be the weekend of Fathers day, we will be holding a special fathers day soccer match on the day for any dads in attendance.

Today you would have received information from the school P&C about the cake stall they will be running during the faction carnival. On the day the P&C will be looking for donations of home made items that can be sold on the day. Please see the flier that was sent home today for ideas on types of food requested.

The P&C will also be holding a raffle on the day, with some fantastic prizes to be won. Tickets in the raffle can either be pre-purchased, from the note that was sent home today, or purchased on the day. There is some great prizes available and all money raised will be going towards our ‘Chick-Inn’ Life Skills Program.

2022 Kindergarten Enrollments

Do you have a child or know of any neighbours who have children born between July 2017 and June 2018? If so they are eligible to enroll in our 2022 Kindergarten program. Please contact the front office to complete enrollment processes.

School Photos

School photos will be taken on either Tuesday or Wednesday of next week (31/8 & 1/9), please make sure if you wish to purchase photos that you return the envelop on the day of your child’s photos. Individual classes will be notified what day their photos will be on.

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