Week 5 Update


This coming week across the the Dianella Education Precinct all students will be participating in National Reconciliation Week activities. What is Reconciliation week? National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme for this years reconciliation week is Be Brave Make Change. Across the precinct, all students will be participating in a Reconciliation Walk - parents and carers are welcome to join with us on this walk on Wednesday 1 June starting at 8.50am. As a school we will join with the Secondary College and the Education Support Centre to walk around the perimeter of the the three schools. After the walk we will then make our way to the undercover area for our Week 6 assembly. If you are able to make it, we would love to have parents join us for the walk.


Due to increased enrolments in our Intensive English Centre, we have now created an additional classroom in our school hall. As a result, we have had to move our whole school assemblies to the under cover area. From now on all our assemblies will be held there. Well done to this weeks Honour Certificate winners, see the full list of students below.

National Simultaneous Story Time

On Wednesday, all students from Kindy to Year 2 participated in the National Simultaneous Story Time. The event is held each year and encourages all schools to join in and read a pictures story book at the same time all around Australia. This years book was entitled Family Tree, a beautiful story about a little girl growing up and the changes that she witnessed of the tree planted in her front yard. Mrs Whisson, our school librarian created our own school Family Tree, staff shared photos of their own families that were then added to the tree. This was a great way for students to see a different side of their teachers, thanks Mrs Whissen for organising and to all the staff who bought in their family photos. Thank you for sharing.

Kiss and Drive

I would like to remind all parents that use the Kiss and Drive facility at the Education Support Centre, that this area is to be used only for pick up and drop off. We have recently had parents parking in this area and this is causing issues at the end of the day. If your child is using the Kiss and Drive, they must be waiting in the area, not playing on the playground.

School Disco

The Year 6 students will be holding a school disco on Thursday 16 of June to help raise money for their school camp. As our school hall is no longer available, we will be holding the disco in the undercover area, with this years theme being Party Theme - students are encouraged to wear their favourite party outfit. There will be one session for all students, with the disco running from 5-6.30pm. Please keep an eye out for the flier when tickets go on sale.


Students in Year 4-6 have been continuing to represent the school in Interschool sports, this week we versed students from Roseworth Primary School. The Interschool is a great opportunity for students to practice and develop their skills in their chosen sport against a wider range of student competition. Well done to Netball A, B and the Soccer team who all had a win. Well done to our players of the week: Ka Mun Netball B, Elizabeth Netball A, Mhmd - Soccer and Tyreece - Football.

Public Holiday

Reminder to all parents and carers that next Monday 6 June is WA day public holiday. The school will be closed on this day and students do not attend. Students will return to school on Tuesday 7 June.

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