Week 6 Update

Good Standing Reward

Wednesday and Thursday we had our first Good Standing reward for our students. Using their initiative Mrs Gullick and Darren set up a Slip and Slide on the school oval to thank the students for their positive behaviour and their consistent attendance. Unfortunately on the day there was a number of upset students who missed out on the activity due to losing their good standing, irregular attendance or continued lateness. Attendance and lateness will continue to be a school wide focus and we do ask that unless unwell, all students attend school every day, on time. To remind all families of our good standing policy procedures, we will be sending home a hard copy with all students today. Please take the time to read through this with your child and support us to improve our attendance, as every day and every minute matters!

Wish Camp

On Wednesday we had 15 of our senior students along with 3 teachers head down to Spring Hills farm stay for our annual Wish Camp. This is a great opportunity for our students to start to develop their independence and team work in a new and unfamiliar setting. I’m looking forward to hearing all about the camp when they return later on today. Thanks to Mrs Price, Ms Vince and Mr Fonseca for giving up their own time with their families to provide this opportunity for our students, your efforts are certainly appreciated.

Swimming Carnival

Next Friday students in Years 3 - 6 will be participating in our school swimming carnival. Students will be involved in both formal races and a number of different novelty events, catering for stronger and developing swimmers. If you haven’t already done so, please ensure you return the permission slip, as students will not be able to join in without written permission.

Harmony Week

Next week as a school we will be celebrating Harmony Week with a number of different activities for students throughout the week. The first activity will be traditional costume/dress day on Monday 15 March. We encourage all of our students to celebrate their unique backgrounds and I look forward to seeing all of the bright and colourful traditional outfits.

Movie Night

Have you placed your order for tickets for our P&C’s upcoming movie night? The night will be a ticketed event and all families must register their attendance through the school office to secure the free tickets. Please inform the office if you would like tickets for your family and how many. Looking forward to a great night out under the stars.

P&C Free Dress Day

Thanks to our school P&C who organised this weeks double free dress day, I know the students (and a certain principal) enjoyed a change from the usual uniform. Thanks to all of our students who contributed and as a result the P&C raised $249, great effort.

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