Week 7 Update


Well done to all of our students who received Honour Certificates at our recent assembly. Please see full list of award winners below. Congratulations also goes to Oscar who was nominated as our Aussie of the Month. Oscar has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to sustainability throughout the school and is an excellent role model to his peers for his efforts in this area. Well done Oscar!

Walk To School Day

Next Friday, 24 March is National Ride 2 School Day. On the day we are encouraging as many students as possible to either ride, walk or scoot to school. Ride 2 School day is a great opportunity for students and school communities to embrace a healthier start to the day, reduce our carbon footprint through less emissions and also save money on petrol (it could also help reduce our ongoing parking issues!). All students that Ride 2 School will receive a healthy breakfast treat and go into a prize draw to receive some great prizes at our next assembly. Students that do ride to school on the day must ensure they see one of school councillors at the entrance gates to get their name placed in the prize draw. 

Easter Raffle

Our P&C Committee are holding an Easter Raffle that will be drawn on the last day on Thursday 6th April. We are asking for as many Easter themed prize donations as possible to make up the prizes. Students are asked to place their donations in the crates provided by the P&C in each classroom. Tickets for the raffle have been sent home with students and can be returned to school at any time. Extra tickets are available to purchase from the front office. Thank you for your support in this initiative. 

Ramadan Mubarak 

Next Wednesday, 22nd of March is the start of Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community. To all of our Muslim students and families we wish you all Ramadan Mubarak. 

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