Week 8 Update


At last weeks assembly we announced the winners of our Reconciliation Week poster competition. Well done to all of our students who entered into the competition and a big congratulations to all of our winners. The posters are proudly on display in our front office, make sure you come in and have a look, as we have some amazing artists in the school. Thank you Mrs Honey and Chantelle for organising and making the difficult judging choices. 

Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who were recognised at the assembly for their ongoing hard work. See the full list of award winners below. 

Parents and Citizens Meeting

Are you free tomorrow from 9am and would like to find out how you can support our school? Our hard working and dedicated P&C Committee will be holding their next meeting from 9am in The Hive and would love to have as many parents come along and support their efforts. Next term there is a number of activities planned and we would love some additional help  if you can spare a few hours. You may have noticed that we now have a new P&C board on the veranda near our student services office, make sure you keep an eye out for regular P&C updates and upcoming events. Looking forward to seeing as many parents as possible tomorrow from 9am at the meeting. 

School Disco

Last Thursday, our Year 6 students and their teachers ran and organised our school disco. The night was very successful, with over 150 students in attendance and well over $1200 raised for the Year 6 school camp. This was the first time holding the disco in our Undercover Area for all students at the same time, and by all accounts, it was very well received. Thank you to all of our teachers who came along on the night to provide support for our Yr 6 fundraising efforts and all of the parents who also stayed and enjoyed the night.  Big thank you to The Dance Till You Drop program who supplied DJ Amy free of charge. This was very much appreciated and certainly added to the students fundraising efforts. 

Books In Homes

Again in Term 2, students at Dianella Primary College have been lucky enough to be supported through the Books In Homes program. With a massive thank you to Ausenco, we were able to supply every student from 7 different classes with 3 books to take home to enjoy over the holidays. The Books In Homes program has been running at Dianella Primary for the past 3 years and in that time the program has provided every student in the school at least once, 9 books each. This is an amazing effort and I know that our staff and students are very appreciative of the opportunity. If your child was from one of the classes that received books this term, make sure you take the time over the upcoming school holidays to sit down and enjoy reading with your child. Developing a love of literacy through shared reading is one of the best ways families can support their child's learning. It is also a great way to spend some quality time with your child.

Lightning Carnival

This coming Friday, 24 June, our 3 interschool teams of netball, football and soccer will be heading over to Koondoola Primary School to compete in the Lightning Carnival. Good luck to all of our competitors and regardless of the results I know the students will certainly enjoy the day.  Parents of students competing in the carnival are welcome to come along and spectate. Games will be starting from around 9.30am and continue throughout the day. 

Dianella Diamonds

Mrs Davey has been extremely busy over the last term getting ready for our annual student showcase, Dianella Diamonds. This year will see a different format for the competition, with students competing in a year level final, with the winners then performing at our Week 10 assembly. I know that the students have certainly been putting in a lot of effort practicing and it is going to be a very hard decision for Mrs Davey and her judges to decide on year level winners. Students who have made the Year level finals will be notified by Mrs Davey tomorrow, if your child makes the final and you would like to come along to the performance please see the timetable below. Year Finals will be held in the music room. 

Year Level Finals Wednesday 22 June: 

  • 9:40 - 10:30:  Year Two

  • 11:00 - 11:50:  Year Three

  • 2:00 - 2:50 :  Year Four

Year Level Finals Thursday 23 June

  • 10:50 - 11:40:  Year Five

  • 11:50 - 12:30:  Year One

  • 1:30 - 2:40:  Year Six

Reporting To Parents

This Friday, 24 June, all student Semester 1 reports will be made available through the Connect platform. Please take the time to read through your child's report and if asked, please ensure you make a time to meet with your child's teacher to discuss their report. Any parents that would like to organise a time to meet with their child's teacher may do in Week 10, please contact your teacher directly or through the school office on 9263 5100 to organise a meeting. 

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