Welcome Back

Dear Families

I hope that everyone has had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday and I would like to welcome all of our families back to school for the start of the 2022 school year. Students will be starting school on Monday 31 January. We have two full classes of Kindergarten students who will be starting their first ever day of school, I know that this will be particularly exciting (hopefully not stressful), for those families. I know Mrs Gurner and Mrs Davis are very excited. We have a number of new students enrolled across the school and I know that our students will make those new to our school feel welcome.

This year we have a number of staff changes and I would like to welcome Miss Rosie Scott into our Yr 5, Room 2 class, Ms Emily Oliver into our Yr 6, Room 1 class and Mrs Silvia Varrone into the science role. Mrs Alison Gullick will be taking on the role of Deputy Principal, with Mrs Nicki Hill stepping into the Pre Primary 2 class, and we would also like to welcome back former student, Mr Rubeun Yorkshire, who will be working at the school as our AIEO.

I know that there is a lot of uncertainty and concern in the community around Covid and how this will impact schools. The Education Department is committed to providing as close to normal school routines as possible, and as a school we will be following these guidelines. All of our classrooms have been checked for air flow and teachers will be following the recommended guidelines for ventilation. As you will be aware, it is required and as a school we have met this, that all school staff are doubled vaccinated and receive their booster shot when eligible. All adults are required to wear a mask when indoors and teachers and support staff will be doing so. When teaching, staff are not required to wear a mask, as such, teachers will remove masks when giving whole class instructions.

At school, students will be encouraged to wash hands regularly and to use hand sanitiser. This will be available in each classroom.

Parents are welcome to come onto the school site and to also enter into classrooms. The only requirement is that you wear a mask when entering into classrooms or other school rooms. Parents are currently not required to wear a mask when outside on school grounds, however, you may choose to do so. Unless volunteering twice or more per week, parents do not need to be vaccinated to enter the school.

Although encouraged to be vaccinated by the government, primary school aged children are not required to have received vaccinations to attend school.

Primary school students are also not required to wear mask whilst at school. However, they may do so if parents would like them to. This is an individual choice.

If your child is presenting as unwell, please ensure they are kept at home until they have recovered. If you suspect that your child or a close family contact has Covid, please follow health department guidelines and have your child tested before returning to school. If at school your child is presenting as unwell, as per normal procedure, we will call parents to come and collect.

As a school we fully expect some challenges to arise this year, however we are looking forward to the school year and know that as a school community, we will work through any issues as they arise.

Your child’s classroom teacher/s will have sent out a Connect notification welcoming you back to the class. If you did not receive this notification, it may be that we don’t have your correct email address. If this is the case, please email the school at dianella.pc@education.wa.edu.au to enable us to update your details.

Look forward to seeing all of our students and families on Monday.

Kind Regards


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