Week 8 Update

Pre Primary Assembly

On Wednesday our amazing Pre Primary 2 class held their whole school assembly. The students did an amazing job, telling thew large audience about what they had learnt this year and also showcased their amazing dance skills. Well done Mrs Wellstead and the Pre Primaries, great assembly.

During the assembly we were also fortunate to have a special visitor come and speak to our students on behalf of the Books in Homes program. Author, Norman Jorgensen, who has written a number of picture story books and young adult novels, including The Last Viking, In Flanders Field and The Smugglers Curse series, came and spoke to our school about how he became an author. Norman shared some of his funny anecdotes and told how he transformed his creative imagination into a lifetime career. All of our Year 3 & 4 students were then the fortunate recipients of 3 books to take home. This generous gift was made available by the Books In Homes program through the sponsorship of Ausenco. Thank you to Ausenco and Norman for sharing their love of reading with our students. I know the books will certainly be welcomed and read over the coming holidays.

Well done to all of students who were recognised with an Honour Certificate during the assembly, please see the full list of students below.

Dianella ESC Christmas Stall

Students from the Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre will be holding a Christmas stall this Wednesday in our school hall. At the stall their will be various Christmas gifts that will be available for sale between $0.50 - $10. If you would like your child to purchase an item from the stall, please send them along with some money on Wednesday.

Reporting To Parents

As I have mentioned over the last couple of weeks, individual school reports will be made available online this Friday, 10 December via Connect. To access reports, parents must have set up their child’s Connect account.

If you require further details on how to access Connect, please follow the links below. It is essential that the school has your correct email address, if this needs to be updated, please email dianella.pc@education.wa.edu.au

Further support on how to access Connect can be found by following the links below.

Connect Resources — Dianella Primary College (dianellapc.wa.edu.au)

Presentation and Graduation Assembly

Our Yr 6 Graduation assembly will be held on Tuesday 14 December starting at 6pm. Year 6 parents will have already received an invitation from their child. On the night, we would ask that all families arrive by 5.50pm for a 6pm start. Students are asked to wear their Year 6 leavers top on the night.

Our end of year presentation assembly will be held on Wednesday 15 December starting at 9 am in our school hall. Parents of award winners will have or will be receiving an invitation in the mail.

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