Week 7 Update

2022 Kindy Orientation

Yesterday we held our very successful 2022 Kindergarten orientation session. This year we tried something a little bit different, and ran market stall type activities. Our new Kindy students and their parents had the opportunity to visit stalls or meet with representatives from the Mirrabooka Library, Dental Health, MAWA (Mathematics Association of WA), Edmund Rice Migrant Resource Centre and the Westminster Child and Parent Centre . The children and parents also had the opportunity to learn about healthy lunches, activities to attempt and try before starting school and the importance of play. As well as all of the great stalls, the children got to play with their new friends and they took home a very cool show bag, that included lots of goodies. It was amazing to see so many families present on the day and we are certainly looking forward to welcoming all of our new Kindergarten students to school in 2022, Thank you to all of our community partners for coming in on the day, special thanks to Mirrabooka Fresh for donating fruit for our healthy lunch activity. Big thank you to our wonderful Kindy staff Mrs Gurner and Mrs Sciano, who along with lots of help from Mrs Hill and Mrs Johnston made the day so successful. I would also like to acknowledge Mrs Simonette for putting together all of the show bags, great team effort, thank you.

Year 5 Councillor Speeches

On Wednesday we had 22 of our Yr 5 students deliver their 2022 student leadership speeches. To be able to be eligible for a student leadership position, the students had to have their nomination endorsed by their classroom teacher, a parent and myself. The students then had the opportunity to present their speech to all of the students and teachers form Yrs 3 - 6, who then voted on who they thought would be the best candidate to fill our Head Girl and Head Boy roles for 2022. The voting has been counted and it is was very close. We will be announcing our 2022 leaders at our final assembly on Wednesday 15 December.

Year 5 Fair Day

On Friday, the Year 5 students held their very successful Fair Day. On the day, the students designed various activities and games for their fellow students to compete in, with the chance of winning some great prizes. The activities were certainly enjoyed by all of the students who participated, with the Year 5’s raising over $1,100 towards their Year 6 camp. Great work.


As we are approaching the end of the year, teachers have been bust preparing your child’s school reports. School reports will be available online, on the Connect platform from Friday 10 Dec, with hard copy reports being sent home on Wednesday 15 December. We are deliberately doing this as a way to encourage parents to log on and access the Connect platform. If you haven’t already done so, I would encourage you to do so as soon as possible.

If you require further details on how to access Connect, please follow the links below. It is essential that the school has your correct email address, if this needs to be updated, please email dianella.pc@education.wa.edu.au

Connect Resources — Dianella Primary College (dianellapc.wa.edu.au)

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