Week 3 Update

Room 14 & 15 Excursion

Last week students from Rm 14 & 15 were very fortunate to attend an excursion to Kings Park, were they participated in the bush camp. Students built shelters and campfires, made damper and completed obstacle courses. Even though some students got a little bit wet, they certainly had a lot of fun learning about surviving in the bush.

Inter school Sport

Today students participated in our second round of inter school sport, this week competing against students from Koondoola PS. Again our students did extremely well, demonstrating great sportsmanship and improved skills. Well done to our

Pick Up and Drop Off

I am still regularly surprised and disappointed to still see a large number of parents dropping or picking up their students from cars that have double parked on the road. This is not only illegal, but also very dangerous. Parents are reminded that if you are simply dropping or picking up students, that it is much safer and will speed up the process for everyone to use the Kiss and Drive facility at the top of Laythorne Street.

School Disco

Year 6 students along with the teaching staff will be holding a Year 6 Camp fundraising disco on Thursday 27 May. There will be two separate discos for junior and senior students. See flier below for full details.

Multicultural Lunch

After last years highly successful multicultural shared lunch, the school P&C Committee will be again holding this activity for our school community on Thursday 1 July. On the day we will be asking parents to prepare an item of food from their culture and bring this to school to share with all of the other students and families. Full details will be provided closer to the date, but please do mark this date in your diary, as it is a great school and family event.

P&C Readathon

It’s time for the students to get ready to start reading extra books for our upcoming P&C Readathon. Students will be encouraged to read as many books by themselves or with mums and dads and to also raise funds for our school P&C. The Readathon will take place from the 26 May, with some great prizes on offer. Full details will be provided soon.


The school has a television that is no longer needed that can be sold to someone in the school community. Anyone from the school community only, is welcome to make an offer over $100 for the TV. It is a 62 inch Soniq smart TV, purchased in 2018. Please contact the school office if you would like to view the TV or to make an offer.

Mothers Day

Today students had the opportunity to purchase some hand made gifts for mothers day, thanks to the Dianella Education Support Centre Black Friday Enterprises. Hopefully the students have chosen wisely and they are going to spoil there mum or special female in their life this Sunday. Happy Mothers day to all of our school community mums.

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