Week 4 Update


Well done to Mrs Callus and the Room 6 students who held this weeks assembly. The students have been learning about the First Fleet and provided a very informative assembly about this. It was great to see the class connecting their curriculum from HASS through the arts, well done. I must admit, I did like my new title that the students gave me, Captain Middleton! It was also great to see parents back at the assembly, this has been the first time in over twelve months that we have had parents at our assembly and I know that the students appreciated seeing them there to support their performance. Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who have been recognised by our class teachers for their ongoing display of our school values, please see the list below.

Inter-school Sport

Today our students hosted visitors from Hudson Park for the Inter-school sports competition. Again our netball and soccer teams did extremely well, with both Netball A & B winning and the soccer team also winning. Unfortunately after a very close game the football team lost their first game of the year by 7 points.

Players of the day were: Nikolas and Uniquah netball, Denver AFL and Mohammed H soccer, well done.

Walk to School Day

Thank you to all of our students and parents who participated in the annual Walk to School day, it was great to recognise our regular walkers and to also see a number of new families walking together. Even if it was from around the corner it is a great start. Thank you.

Kiss and Dive

There has been some confusion this week around the Kiss and Drive and I would like to clarify with all of our school community that is a resource that all families can use. We are encouraging families to stop double parking in the middle of the road to let children out, this is exactly what the Kiss and Drive is for. At the end of the day, if your child is not waiting at the Kiss and Drive by the time you arrive, you are asked to keep driving around the block and come back again. Cars parking in the Kiss and Drive block up the street for everyone else waiting to use it. Common sense and consideration are required from all, the safety of our students is the main concern. Thank you for your assistance in this.

Coolbinia Bombers JFC

The Coolbinia’s Bombers AFL football team will be holding a Come and Try day this Sunday. If your son or daughter is interested in playing football this year head down to give it a go.


K-Yr2 Girls and Boys and Starkick



auskick@bombersjfc.asn.auplease see flier below.


Have you got your disco ticket yet? The year 6 students will be holding a camp fund raising disco on Thursday 27 May. Tickets for the disco can be pre-purchased every morning from the veranda, please see full details below.


The P&C Committee will be holding a morning tea this coming Monday, 17 May at 9 am in the Hive (back of the school hall). The morning tea is an opportunity to find out a little bit more about the P&C Committee and to also start planning for the upcoming multicultural lunch being held on Thursday 1 July. If you would like to get involved and help out with lunch, please come along to the morning tea to see how you can do so.


After a short battle with illness, Jacqueline Gellel, Principal of Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre has recently passed away. As a school we send our condolences at this sad time to Jacquies family and the Education Support Centre community.


To all of our Muslim families, Dianella Primary College would like to wish you Eid Mubarak, celebrating the end of Ramadan.

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