Week 5 Update


Despite the varied weather, our students have certainly been enjoying their daily swimming lessons. I am very pleased with the progress that our students are showing and the responsibility that all of our classes are showing getting organised before the lessons and quickly getting changed and back into class when the lessons are over. The swimming instructors at Terry Tyzak have commented on how well our students are going and as a group that they are demonstrating responsibility in their listening in the water, well done. Despite the early departure time for bus 1, we have had very very students late, hopefully this will continue after the swimming lessons. Lessons will continue for each day next week .

Kindy Orientation

Yesterday we had our first Kindy orientation for our newest students who will be starting with us in 2022. It was lovely to welcome in some of our new families, and it was especially pleasing to see the students confidently coming into the classroom and joining in. I know Mrs Gurner and Mrs Sciano were very impressed. Our second session for Kindy orientation for the new Group B will be next Thursday, 18 November. Our Kindy Kindergarten orientation date for all Kindy families in 2022 will be held on Thursday 25 Nov from 9am in the undercover area.

Year 5 Student Fair

As a fund raising activity for Year 6 Camp next year, the current Year 5 students will be running a Fair Day on Friday 26 November. On the day students will have the opportunity to participate in various fun activities, designed by the Year 5’s to enable them to raise funds for the camp. Activities will include:

  • Cup Pong

  • Beat the Goaly

  • Coin Toss

  • Gone Fishing

  • Ducks in a Pond

    On the day there will also be a craft stall (the students have been busy making items), second hand books and toys for sale as well as a cake stall. On the day students are asked to bring in a couple of dollars to possibly win some great prizes whilst helping to raise funds for the Year 6 camp.

Waste Free Lunches

Did you know that the average student’s lunch creates a total of 3 kg of waste every school year? In a school our size of 380 students, this equates to over 11 tonnes of rubbish every year. That’s far too much!

Parents can help reduce this amount by:

Using reusable containers for food

Drinks in refillable containers (no more single use plastic bottles)

Reusable utensils when required

Less individually wrapped items - buying bulk items and then sharing out into reusable containers will assist greatly in reducing waste and also save money

Every Wednesday, students are encouraged to show their waste free lunch to the students in Yr 4 to earn themselves PBIS faction rewards points. Together, we can make a difference to the amount of waste being generated at our school.

Returning to School

Will your child be returning to Dianella Primary College in 2022? As we are bust planning for our classroom structures and teaching appointments for next year, we would ask that any families that know they will not be returning to Dianella in 2022 to please inform the front office. Student numbers are critical factors in this planning and it is essential that we know in advance if students will not be returning.


I would like to remind parents that the staff car park is not to be used to drop off or pick up students unless you have a valid ACROD sticker. There is far too many families using the car park of a morning and this is evident with our students going to and from swimming. Please ensure you use the car bays at the front of the school or in Wewak Ct, cars coming in and out of the car park are putting students at risk.

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