Week 7 Update


At last week’s assembly we were treated to an amazing percussion performance from the Yr 6 students. Students have been learning to play the xylophones and marimbas this year in music with Mrs Davey and they took the opportunity to showcase their talents at our assembly, Very impressive work for all of students to play with such harmony. Well done. Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate winners who were recognised for their consistent displaying of our school values. See the full list of award winners below.

Aussie of the Month

Congratulations to Chloe who was recognised as our Aussie of the Month for November. Chloe was nominated by both Mrs Davey and Ms Farmer for her ongoing commitment to extra curricular activities, choir and running club, and the support and encouragement she shows for her peers during these activities. Well done Chloe!

Kindergarten Welcome Session

Today we held our 2023 Kindergarten welcome session. We have 2 full classes of Kindergarten students starting with us next year and Mrs Gurner and the Kindy team organised a very informative and well attended orientation session. Families were provided with an outline of what to expect from Kindy and also had the opportunity to meet with outside agencies that support children through school. Thank you to all of our stakeholders who came along for the session. Families received information from the school nurse, school dental clinic, Mirrabooka Library and a variety of other agencies. Any families that were unable to attend the session may collect their Kindergarten welcome pack from the front office.

Year 5 Fair Day

On Wednesday, the Year 5 students held their very successful Year 6 Camp fundraising Fair Day. The students designed some challenging and fun activities for all of the other students in the school. Thankyou to all of the Year 5 parents who donated items for the fair. Through your generosity and the students ingenuity they raised over $1,700 towards the cost of their school camp. This will make a big difference to the individual student cost of the camp. Big thank you to Ms Scott and Ms Adams for all of their hard work coordinating the event.

P&C Sausage Sizzle

Next Friday, the 2 December the P&C will be holding a school sausage sizzle. Students will be able to order a Halal sausage sizzle and purchase an icy pole with all funds raised going to the P&C for their school fundraising efforts. All sausages will need to be pre-ordered. Order forms will be sent home with students tomorrow. If you are able to help out on the day, either cooking or helping to sort orders, please let the P&C Committee know.

Transition Activity

Next Tuesday, 29 November we will be holding a whole school transition activity. Students will be visiting their classroom for next year and meeting their new teacher. The idea behind the transition event is to support students with the transition to a new year level and to hopefully reduce any anxiety they may experience with starting a new year. Students, in their likely class group, will go to the next year level between 11am-1pm. This will give students an opportunity to meet their new teacher and for the teacher to also learn a little bit about students before the year starts. Please note that whilst we have created draft classes for next year, and we have allocated teachers, these may change if there is any staffing changes or major changes to student numbers.

Reporting to Parents

As we are approaching the end of the year, teachers have been busy preparing students end of school year reports. This will be made available via Connect on Friday 9 December, with hard copies sent home the following week. Please make sure that you have access to Connect to be able to see your child’s report. For any parents who have been requested to a parent teacher interview, staff will be available in week 10 for these to occur.

End of Year Graduation

Our Year 6 Graduation event will be taking place on Tuesday 13 December from 6pm. This year we will be holding the event in the brand new Dianella Secondary College Performing Arts Centre. Please keep an eye out for the invitation that will be coming home with your year 6 child in the next couple of days. Please make sure that you RSVP if you will be attending the event.

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