Welcome Back

I would like to welcome back all our students and families for what will no doubt be another busy term. It was great to see all of our students back today, with lots of news and stories from a busy and active holiday.

We have a number of different activities coming up over Term 2, including our Inter school sports competition and lightning carnival, Yr 6 camp, NAPLAN testing for Yr 3 & 5 students, and of course our ever popular Dianella Diamonds talent competition.

In Term 2, we are continuing to focus on regular and on time attendance. As communicated last term, students need to attend school every day and on time, unless unwell. To reward and recognise our students who are always at school and on time, we will be holding a special raffle this term, with the prize being a new scooter and helmet.

To be eligible students must;

· Maintain school attendance over 95%.

· Arrive at school on time over 95%.

To achieve 95%, students cannot be absent, or late, more than 2 days across the whole term, without a medical certificate.

The attendance raffle will be drawn in Week 11.

 Parents & Citizens Annual General Meeting

Our school P&C will be holding their Annual General Meeting tomorrow from 9 am in the school hall. All positions on the executive committee will be open and we are asking parents to come along and see how they can support the school to support their children. The P&C is a great way to make connections with other families at the school and I do encourage as many parents as possible to attend and support this committee.

School Board Representative - Final Call for Nominations

Would you like to support Dianella Primary College on our strategic direction? If so, we need your help!

We are seeking a parent representative to join our school board. As part of our school governance and compliance we have a school board that supports the three schools of the Dianella Education Precinct; Secondary College, Education Support Centre and Primary College. The role of the school board is to make recommendations around school objectives and priorities, planning and financial arrangements to meet these priorities, evaluating school performance and supporting the development of student codes of conduct. A key component of this is to have parent voice on the board, supporting the schools to support their children.

If you would like further information about the volunteer position or would like to nominate please feel free to either speak to me in the school office or via email; anthony.middleton@education.wa.edu.au

Nominations for the board will close on Friday 23rd April.

Kind regards

Anthony Middleton

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