The Intensive English Centre program assists students from a wide variety of educational, language and cultural backgrounds, to learn or further develop knowledge of the English language. Here at Dianella Primary College, we currently cater for children in Years 1 to 6.
Due to the specific needs of our students the program implements teaching with a focus on:
- Developing students’ ability to function effectively in English in a wide range of social and learning contexts.
- Developing students’ skills in Speaking, Listening, Viewing, Reading and Writing in English.
- Using learning areas in the WA and Australian Curriculum to develop literacy skills across the curriculum.
The Intensive English Centre caters for students who:
- Are newly arrived in Australia and come from a language background other than English.
- Were born in Australia from a non-English speaking background and who begin school with limited English literacy skills.
The Intensive English Centre is an integrated program with students playing and participating in whole school activities, such as sport and assemblies. Students are taught by qualified and experienced English as a Second Language Teachers in small classes, allowing the teacher to work intensively with students.